ABRAZPE e Frente Parlamentar tratam com Alckmin fortalecimento das ZPEs

ABRAZPE e Frente Parlamentar tratam com Alckmin fortalecimento das ZPEs

1 minuto A ABRAZPE (Associação Brasileira de Zonas de Processamento de Exportação) e membros da recém-criada Frente Parlamentar em Defesa das ZPEs se reuniram nesta quarta-feira com o presidente em exercício, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), em Brasília. O grupo, composto pelo presidente da ABRAZPE, Helson Braga, pelo presidente da Frente Parlamentar, o deputado federal Florentino Neto (PT-PI), pelo vice-presidente, deputado Júlio César (PSD-PI), pela secretária-geral, Lídice da Mata (PSB-BA), e pelo deputado Alexandre Lindenmeyer (PT-RS), discutiu com Alckmin medidas para o incremento, fortalecimento e expansão Continue lendo

Promoting Productive Transformation through Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Sierra Leone 2023

Promoting Productive Transformation through Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Sierra Leone 2023

2 minutos Foreword At a time when Sierra Leone is recovering from the impact of COVID-19 amidst the Ukraine-Russia war-induced food and energy crisis, special economic zones (SEZs) present a unique opportunity for in- vestment in order to foster inclusive and sustainable growth and development. Sierra Leone faces many constraints to economic development but the country as a whole and some localities in particular, offer huge potential and many comparative advantages that can be leveraged to increase competitiveness, achieve productive transformation, and promote a Continue lendo

Audiência discute nova proposta para ZPE de Macaíba

Audiência discute nova proposta para ZPE de Macaíba

4 minutos O trabalho conjunto e colaborativo entre os entes municipal, estadual e federal, para a viabilização da nova ZPE de Macaíba, a Zona de Processamento de Exportação, foi o tópico defendido por todos os participantes da audiência pública que debateu o tema, na manhã desta segunda-feira (11), na Assembleia Legislativa do RN. A ZPE foi idealizada há 34 anos e cassada pelo Ministério da Economia, após resolução publicada no Diário Oficial da União em 15 de dezembro de 2022. “É preocupação do nosso Continue lendo

Who Built the Zones?

Who Built the Zones?

2 minutos Special economic zones are not just a product of the effort to free capitalism from democratic authority. They are a response to a broader anxiety about power imbalance between multinational corporations and national governments. Angus Burgin Fall 2023 Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracyby Quinn SlobodianMetropolitan Books, 2023, 352 pp. Just three years after his famous declaration that history had come to an end, Francis Fukuyama published a little-noticed piece, in the now-defunct journal New Perspectives Quarterly, Continue lendo

XXVI Conferencia Zonas Francas IberoAmérica

XXVI Conferencia Zonas Francas IberoAmérica

menos de 1 minuto The Ibero-American Free Trade Zones Conference is the most important event for the sector, as it brings together operators, users, government entities, investors, consultants, and industry suppliers. This year, the city of Barcelona will be the host and more than 400 participants will meet for 3 days to discuss the main issues currently involving the sector. The Ibero-American Free Trade Zones Conference will coincide with the celebration of the Smart City Expo World Congress  that will be held at Fira de Continue lendo