
US tax reform and its likely impacts on HK-US trade and investment

US tax reform and its likely impacts on HK-US trade and investment

2 minutos On 22 December 2017, America’s President Trump signed into law the biggest overhaul of the US tax system in more than 30 years. Widely regarded as the President’s first major legislative triumph, the newly-enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will give about 80% of US households a tax cut over the next decade. Furthermore, most US corporations will enjoy a lower after-tax cost of capital thanks to the new law. However, it is being criticised for widening the US government’s fiscal deficit Continue lendo

Impacto de la reforma fiscal que reduce los impuestos corporativos en Estados Unidos en las zonas francas y zonas economicas especiales de America Latina

Impacto de la reforma fiscal que reduce los impuestos corporativos en Estados Unidos en las zonas francas y zonas economicas especiales de America Latina

1 minuto El pasado 22 de diciembre, el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, sancionó la ley denominada “Ley de Recortes Fiscales y Empleo” la cual representa a juicio de versados tributaristas la modificación más significativa que ha tenido el sistema fiscal de los Estados Unidos desde el presidente Reagan, hace ya 30 años. Esta muy ambiciosa reforma fiscal cambiará el eje de las inversiones de los principales socios comerciales de los Estados Unidos y tendrá un gran impacto directo sobre la propuesta Continue lendo

Free Trade Zones as part of the UK’s post Brexit international trade strategy

Free Trade Zones as part of the UK’s post Brexit international trade strategy

1 minuto Following Brexit the UK is likely to be disadvantaged in seeking inward investment into Europe by a reduction in its access to the Single Market. To address this disadvantage the government could consider using FTZs to attract foreign investors. The EU has permitted such zones to be set up for regional development purposes in a number of locations including Shannon and Katowice. Following withdrawal from the Single Market the UK would suffer at least a short term disruption to its trade patterns Continue lendo

Interview: Growth & value-addition

Interview: Growth & value-addition

menos de 1 minuto Dr Jayant Menon is the Lead Economist (Trade and Regional Cooperation), Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department with Asian Development Bank (ADB), and works on trade, international investment and development issues. He is the co-author of the October 2015 ADB report “Cambodia’s Special Economic Zones”. Leia mais

Chinese FTZs step into a new era

Chinese FTZs step into a new era

3 minutos Following the model of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, established in 2013, China anticipates opening seven new free trade zones (FTZs) in the coming year, with zones in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Hubei already nearing readiness to begin operations. Whereas the Shanghai FTZ and three other current operational FTZs – Tianjin, Fujian, and Guangdong – are all built in China’s eastern, coastal industrial hubs, the new zones are largely inland, in central and western states, some of whose industrial bases are comparatively underdeveloped. Continue lendo