
Entenda os benefícios e o potencial da ZPE de Parnaíba, no Piauí

Entenda os benefícios e o potencial da ZPE de Parnaíba, no Piauí

9 minutos Imagine uma área de livre comércio onde empresas se instalam e operam com incentivos fiscais, cambiais, aduaneiros, administrativos e logísticos, visando à produção de bens para exportação… As zonas de processamento de exportação, conhecidas como ZPEs, têm se consolidado como um importante instrumento de política pública voltado para o desenvolvimento econômico regional, promoção de exportações e atração de investimentos estrangeiros. As ZPEs são áreas geográficas delimitadas, caracterizadas por oferecerem um regime aduaneiro especial, focado em estimular as exportações. A regulamentação delas no Continue lendo

Opinion | Five traits of sustainable SEZs

Opinion | Five traits of sustainable SEZs

4 minutos Through my work at UN Trade and Development (Unctad) over the past decade, I’ve had the opportunity to study, visit and engage with special economic zones (SEZs) from around the world. It’s inspiring to see how a growing number of governments are using SEZs as a policy tool to catalyse sustainable development, echoing Unctad’s call in 2019.  For many years, Unctad has been working to accelerate SEZs’ contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This includes supporting them to align their strategies Continue lendo

Lei Geral de Comércio Exterior: um alinhamento importante

Lei Geral de Comércio Exterior: um alinhamento importante

14 minutos No dia 28 de outubro de 2024 (segunda-feira), das 9h às 17h, será realizada, na sede do Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo (Iasp), o evento híbrido (presencial e on-line) “A lei geral de comércio exterior e a modernização das aduanas” para discutir o projeto de lei geral do comércio exterior desenvolvido por especialistas da Receita Federal do Brasil, da Secretaria de Comércio Exterior, e da Consultoria Legislativa do Senado. O evento será realizado conjuntamente pelo Instituto de Pesquisas em Direito Aduaneiro (IPDA) e Continue lendo

Record FDI flows into global free zones in 2023

Record FDI flows into global free zones in 2023

7 minutos Multinational companies are discussing and investing in free trade zones (FTZs) more than ever before as they navigate a world beset with rising geopolitical tensions, protectionist policies and industrial transformation in everything from digitalisation to the energy transition. The number of global corporate filings and event transcripts mentioning either “free zone” or its derivatives like “free trade zone” or “special economic zone” has risen steadily since records began in 2006, hitting an all-time high in the third quarter of 2023, according to Continue lendo

Opinion | Special economic zones are policy boosters, not exceptions

Opinion | Special economic zones are policy boosters, not exceptions

4 minutos Despite perceptions, SEZs don’t exist in a vacuum and aren’t always a safe harbour from global politics | Jacopo Dettoni Special economic zones (SEZs) are often perceived as policy exceptions. They thrive on different fiscal and customs rules, as well as a streamlined governance. They’re the result of a deliberate policy decision chasing a specific outcome in the form of more inbound investment, foreign trade, diversification and governance upgrade. As such, they are more policy boosters than exceptions — a distinction that Continue lendo