junho 2020

Why special economic zones are that so special

Why special economic zones are that so special

1 minuto Khmer Times’ Sok Chan spoke to Hiroshi Uematsu, chief executive officer of Phnom Penh SEZ, on the role of the special economic zone to attract investment, especially from the manufacturing sector. We focused from creating decent jobs and promoting technical transfers to boosting exports into and out of the Kingdom; especially, exports amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. KT: How important are the roles of special economic zones (SEZs) in promoting Cambodia’s export processing industry? Uematsu: Special economic zones can play a Continue lendo

Special Economic Zones in ASEAN: Opportunities for US Investors

Special Economic Zones in ASEAN: Opportunities for US Investors

menos de 1 minuto To consolidate its emergence as a powerful trading bloc, ASEAN member states have been promoting special economic zones (SEZ) as a cornerstone for efforts to encourage more foreign investment.   SEZs – which include industrial parks, special export processing zones, technology parks, and innovation areas – gained increasing prominence after the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, and more so now as a tool to attract US investors seeking to diversify their supply chains. Total two-way trade between ASEAN and Continue lendo

Special Economic Zones among the paucity of realistic interventions

Special Economic Zones among the paucity of realistic interventions

1 minuto Amongst a plethora of potential economic recovery strategies and a paucity of realistic interventions is the phenomenon of Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Special Economic Zones are geographically delimited areas wherein governments facilitate industrial activity through fiscal and regulatory incentives and infrastructure support. SEZs can make important contributions to growth and development by attracting investment, creating jobs and boosting exports. Special Economic Zones can build forward and backward linkages within the broader economy and support global value chain (GVC) participation, industrial upgrading and Continue lendo

MP dispensa empresa instalada em ZPE de cumprir percentual mínimo de exportação

MP dispensa empresa instalada em ZPE de cumprir percentual mínimo de exportação

menos de 1 minuto A Medida Provisória 973/20 dispensa as empresas instaladas em zonas de processamento de exportação (ZPEs) de cumprir, em 2020, o requisito legal de ter pelo menos 80% da receita bruta atrelado a vendas ao exterior. A MP entrou em vigor nesta quinta-feira (28). ZPEs são distritos industriais, cujas empresas são beneficiadas com a suspensão de impostos para exportar, entre outros benefícios. Em contrapartida, no mínimo 80% da receita bruta total deve ser oriunda de exportações, regra criada pela Lei 11.508/07. O Continue lendo