março 2020

Free Trade Zones—a potential opportunity for the U.K.?

Free Trade Zones—a potential opportunity for the U.K.?

1 minuto The U.K. government has set out plans to introduce up to 10 post-Brexit freeports by the end of 2020. Robert Marchant of Crowe considers how this would work in practice. In February 2020, the U.K. government issued a consultation on reintroducing freeports as part of its post-Brexit international trade strategy.  As a member of the EU, the U.K. has been unable to negotiate its own individual trade agreements and it is possible that non-EU countries such as the U.S., Canada, Australia and India, and emerging Continue lendo

British expats invited to avail investment opportunities in SEZs

British expats invited to avail investment opportunities in SEZs

2 minutos Pakistani authorities have invited UK-based investors to capitalise on investment opportunities in the special economic zones (SEZs) during an international roadshow. High Commissioner Nafees Zakaria apprised the British Pakistanis about the investment opportunities in Pakistan, especially in SEZs being established under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework. “CPEC has been dubbed as a game changer and holds immense economic opportunities,” a statement on Friday quoted Zakaria as addressing during the roadshow in London. The roadshow was held to introduce the SEZs and Continue lendo

Both China and India opted for SEZs. But here’s why China raced ahead and India lost track

Both China and India opted for SEZs. But here’s why China raced ahead and India lost track

4 minutos We had discussed the rise of South Korea and Taiwan earlier. While the Chinese story is well talked about, most of the discussion is regarding the achievements of the last two decades when it showed astonishing growth. In the early Nineties, it was not significantly different from India. Even in 2005, it had a GDP of a little over $2 trillion which was then a little more than double of the Indian level. India reached the $2 trillion mark by 2014 by Continue lendo

ZPE de Ilhéus, um salto adiante que só espera a licitação da Fiol

ZPE de Ilhéus, um salto adiante que só espera a licitação da Fiol

1 minuto Está no gatilho o disparo do projeto que promete redimir Ilhéus após a tragédia da vassoura de bruxa no cacau e também carimbar a reconfiguração da economia baiana: a Zona de Processamento de Exportação, ou ZPE. Tudo pronto, e o que falta? Simples. O governo federal licitar o trecho da Fiol entre Ilhéus e Caetité, que está 75% construído e com obras em andamento, embora a passo de cágado. Aliás, isso deveria ter acontecido em janeiro, mas o corona afugentou os chineses Continue lendo