Workshop on special economic zones: Challenges and perspective for landlocked CAREC countries

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Jointly organized by CAREC Institute, Asian Development Bank, and Shenzhen University, the 2-day workshop gave participants the opportunity to cross-learn about the challenges and perspectives in establishing special economic zones (SEZs), particularly, in landlocked CAREC countries.

This follows a national workshop organized by CAREC Institute on “Special Economic Zones as Drivers of Economic Development” in Islamabad, Pakistan in December 2017, focusing on lessons for Pakistan from the People’s Republic of China’s experience on SEZs.

The workshop seeks to deepen the understanding of the evolving nature of SEZs and enhance capacities to formulate and implement strategies for SEZs by linking them with the country’s overall development strategies, as well as support development and expansion of regional value chains and economic corridors, and economic diversification which are priority areas under the CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda 2030.

The workshop benefited from Shenzhen’s experience and potential for cooperation as well as SEZ enterprise demonstration during a field visit.

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