agosto 2018

Djibouti free trade zone hub of global trade

Djibouti free trade zone hub of global trade

2 minutos The Djibouti Free Trade Zone (FTZ) covering 48.2 square kilometres and with four industry clusters once completed, will pave the way for the rise of the Horn of Africa nation as a global trade hub. The FTZ, the largest of its kind in Africa, is focusing on trade and logistics, export processing, business and finance as well as manufacturing and duty-free retail. The East African state broke ground on the FTZ in January 2017 and was officially inaugurated it in July. The facilities including Continue lendo

How far has the Shanghai Free Trade Zone gone 5 years after established?

How far has the Shanghai Free Trade Zone gone 5 years after established?

menos de 1 minuto This week marks five years since the start of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, a revolutionary plan to transform the way China does business. Who would have predicted, five years ago, that China would today be in the midst of a murky trade war; that tit-for-tat tarrifs would be hurled across the ocean from the United States on an almost weekly basis; that the very founding tenets of a free-trade zone – globalization – would be pitted against protectionism, in Continue lendo

Indonesia’s growing special economic zones – opportunities and challenges

Indonesia’s growing special economic zones – opportunities and challenges

menos de 1 minuto Over the last decade, Indonesia’s economic clusters–special economic zones (SEZs) and industrial estates have grown multi-fold, both in terms of number and breadth. In 2014, there were approximately 74 industrial estates with an area of 36,300 hectares in the country. By 2017, the number of industrial estates expanded to 87 with an area of 59,700 hectares. Similarly, the number of SEZs in the country has increased to 12; out of these, four are currently operational, representing economic activities across various Continue lendo

México avanza hacia el desarrollo sostenible con las zonas económicas especiales

México avanza hacia el desarrollo sostenible con las zonas económicas especiales

2 minutos México debe avanzar hacia el desarrollo de las ciudades y regiones sostenibles, y la constitución de las Zonas Económicas Especiales (ZEEs) es un paso en esa dirección, de acuerdo con Gerardo Gutiérrez Candiani. El titular de la Autoridad Federal para el Desarrollo de las Zonas Económicas Especiales (AFDZEE) aseguró que el objetivo principal de desarrollar Zonas de este tipo, es generar “las condiciones para beneficiar a las comunidades donde haya un desarrollo integral sustentable y sostenible en el largo plazo”. Con ello, que Continue lendo

Zonas de processamento de exportação: promoção do investimento com responsabilidade fiscal

4 minutos   ZONAS DE PROCESSAMENTO DE EXPORTAÇÃO: PROMOÇÃO DO INVESTIMENTO COM RESPONSABILIDADE FISCAL Helson Braga, Ph.D. Presidente da ABRAZPE 20/08/2018 As Zonas de Processamento de Exportação (ZPEs) foram criadas pelo Presidente Sarney, no final dos anos 80, como um ambicioso programa destinado a alcançar, simultaneamente, vários dos principais objetivos de uma política econômica, tais como estimular o investimento (nacional e estrangeiro), criar empregos, aumentar as exportações, difundir novas tecnologias e promover o desenvolvimento regional. Ele se inspirou em uma das mais bem-sucedidas experiências Continue lendo