maio 22, 2018

Special Economic Zones: the new functional evolution in the world

Special Economic Zones: the new functional evolution in the world

7 minutos The insertion of articles 4 and 5 dedicated to Special Economic Zones (ZES) in Decree-Law no. 91/2017, converted, with amendments, into Law no. 123/2017, containing: “Urgent provisions for the economic growth of Southern Italy”, has allowed Italy to become the first founding member of the European Community and the first Western European State to adopt rules expressly directed to the regulation of these exceptional instruments for accelerating economic development. With the forthcoming publication of the Decree of the Presidency of the Council Continue lendo

Logistics and distribution management in a foreign trade zone

Logistics and distribution management in a foreign trade zone

5 minutos The economy as a whole has seen an accelerated shift in the trading practices. The entire process from production to the delivery of goods has witnessed alterations. The world is connected to the extent that goods are manufactured in one country, assembled in another and distributed in another. The global trade has been expanded, and this has changed the dynamics of logistics and distribution. One of the milestones for the logistics and distribution was the creation of the Free trade zones also Continue lendo

Exportaciones de bienes desde zonas francas – Uruguay

Exportaciones de bienes desde zonas francas – Uruguay

1 minuto Las Zonas Francas (ZZ.FF.) tienen un importante rol en la captación de inversión, en la generación de empleo calificado y en la diversificación de las exportaciones del país. El presente informe se centra en la importancia que éstas tienen en las exportaciones de bienes, ya sea mediante la utilización de estos recintos como centros logísticos (son destino intermedio de las exportaciones de granos o determinados productos farmacéuticos) o también como locaciones de procesamiento industrial (celulosa y concentrado de bebidas). En 2017, las Continue lendo

Formalização de parceria entre Pecém e Roterdã entra em fase final

Formalização de parceria entre Pecém e Roterdã entra em fase final

3 minutos Os trâmites para a formalização da parceria entre o Porto do Pecém e o Porto de Roterdã entram em fase final de execução. As tratativas jurídicas do processo estão adiantadas. Juvêncio Vasconcelos, procurador Geral do Estado, está em São Paulo até esta quinta-feira, 24, para validar os detalhes com a equipe jurídica do porto holandês. “O cronograma está em dia. A reunião foi para a validação dos termos de acionista definidos no acordo. Essa medida respalda o Estado”, adianta César Ribeiro, titular Continue lendo

Special economic zones: Challenges and opportunities

Special economic zones: Challenges and opportunities

menos de 1 minuto World Investment Forum 2018, October 22-26, Geneva, Switzerland Special economic zones have been mushroomed over the past decades. UNCTAD estimates that there are over 4800 SEZs worldwide. Free and Special Economic Zones can be important incubators for supporting the attainment of the SDGs and could play a role in the digitalization of the economy. In this conference, organized with FEMOZA, lessons learned for designing the right infrastructure, facilitation services, and incentives, creating economies of scale and promoting transfer of technology in Continue lendo