janeiro 12, 2018

Nicaragua prevé generar 130 mil empleos en zonas francas en 2018

Nicaragua prevé generar 130 mil empleos en zonas francas en 2018

1 minuto El delegado para las inversiones y exportaciones del gobierno de Nicaragua, Álvaro Baltodano, aseguró ayer que habrá más plazas laborales en las zonas francas. El sector de zona franca podría llegar a los 130,000 empleos este 2018 en Nicaragua, dijo el funcionario al periódico El Nuevo Diario. Baltodano, quien ayer participó en un acto oficial del sector de tabacaleros, dijo que una de las firmas que generará más empleos es la mexicana, llamada Siete Leguas, la cual compró una compañía de manufactura establecida Continue lendo

Les zones franches ont été créées en tant qu’outil de planification pour aider au développement économique zones franches: coûts et avantages

Les zones franches ont été créées en tant qu’outil de planification pour aider au développement économique zones franches: coûts et avantages

5 minutos Les zones franches économiques (ZFE) ont été instituées par la loi du 3 août 1992, modifiée par la loi du 31 janvier 1994. Les personnes physiques ou morales résidentes ou non résidentes sont libres de procéder aux investissements dans les ZFE et ce, dans les secteurs industriels, commercial et de services orientés totalement vers l’exportation. La liste des zones franches est fixée par décret. Actuellement, il existe deux zones franches dans le nord et le sud du pays ( Bizerte et Zarzis). Continue lendo

US tax reform and its likely impacts on HK-US trade and investment

US tax reform and its likely impacts on HK-US trade and investment

2 minutos On 22 December 2017, America’s President Trump signed into law the biggest overhaul of the US tax system in more than 30 years. Widely regarded as the President’s first major legislative triumph, the newly-enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will give about 80% of US households a tax cut over the next decade. Furthermore, most US corporations will enjoy a lower after-tax cost of capital thanks to the new law. However, it is being criticised for widening the US government’s fiscal deficit Continue lendo

China’s move to relax regulations in free trade zones aims to improve “negative list” approach: academics

China’s move to relax regulations in free trade zones aims to improve “negative list” approach: academics

1 minuto China’s decision to ease regulations for foreign enterprises investing in free trade zones (FTZs) aims to improve the “negative list” approach and provide legal protection for reform and opening-up, according to two academics. The State Council has decided to lift several restrictions or investment limitations for foreign investment in FTZs, a notice said Tuesday. “The negative list system with its simple model, high level of transparency and simplified procedure has lowered the cost and improved efficiency for foreign companies in China,” said Continue lendo

Uruguay enacts changes to Free Trade Zone regime

Uruguay enacts changes to Free Trade Zone regime

1 minuto On December 8, 2017, Uruguay’s Executive Power enacted Law No. 19,566, introducing changes to Law No. 15,921, which established the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) regime. The changes are effective March 8, 2018. The new law allows services rendered to third countries from the FTZ to also be rendered from the FTZ to corporate income taxpayers inside Uruguayan, non-FTZ, territory. The new law states that the requirement for 75% of an FTZ user’s employees to be Uruguayan could be reduced with authorization of Continue lendo