novembro 2017

Free trade zones: Part of the UK’s post Brexit international trade strategy

Free trade zones: Part of the UK’s post Brexit international trade strategy

1 minuto Following Brexit the UK is likely to be disadvantaged in seeking inward investment into Europe by a reduction in its access to the Single Market. To address this disadvantage the government could consider using FTZs to attract foreign investors. The EU has permitted such zones to be set up for regional development purposes in a number of locations including Shannon and Katowice. Following withdrawal from the Single Market the UK would suffer at least a short term disruption to its trade patterns Continue lendo

The free ports opportunity: How Brexit could boost trade, manufacturing and the North

The free ports opportunity: How Brexit could boost trade, manufacturing and the North

menos de 1 minuto Brexit will provide the UK with new economic freedom, and the Government should take the opportunity to create Free Ports across the nation. Free Ports will simultaneously: increase manufacturing output, create employment regionally where it is most needed, and promote trade. Using Free Ports to drive economic growth will also re-connect Britain with its proud maritime history as a trading nation and act as a beacon of British values, signalling the country’s openness to the world. Leia mais

Investment, tax and trade issues affecting foreign direct investment & special economic zones

Investment, tax and trade issues affecting foreign direct investment & special economic zones

menos de 1 minuto These Seminars will review both current tax and investment reforms that affect the design, operation and operation of SEZs across the world. Although tax treaty law and the international investment law prima facie appear to be two separate law regimes, it had been found that quite a number of issues and disputes related to tax disputes have been determined in the international investment tribunals in recent years and the claimants made the claims through investment law treaties rather than tax Continue lendo

Governo apresentará espaço e regras para instalar pequenos empreendimentos na ZPE

Governo apresentará espaço e regras para instalar pequenos empreendimentos na ZPE

2 minutos Na próxima segunda-feira, 20, o Sebrae vai visitar o espaço destinado, dentro da Zona de Processamento de Exportação do Ceará (ZPE-CE), às micros e pequenas empresas. Além disso, vai conhecer os detalhes, as regras e condições que vão nortear a implantação das empresas na ZPE-CE. Segundo o diretor Técnico do Sebrae-CE, Alci Porto, o secretário para Assuntos Internacionais do Ceará, Antonio Balhmann, vai mostrar como pode se dar a instalação de negócios de pequeno porte, voltados para exportação. Adianta que um termo Continue lendo

Discussão sobre o Programa das ZPEs e as mudanças propostas no PL 5.957/2013.

Discussão sobre o Programa das ZPEs e as mudanças propostas no PL 5.957/2013.

menos de 1 minuto Presidente da ABRAZPE discutirá “O Programa Nacional das ZPEs e as Mudanças Propostas no PL 5.957/2013”, na Secretaria Especial da Micro e Pequena Empresa, do MDIC, às 10:00 horas, e na Secretaria de Assuntos Internacionais do Ministério do Planejamento, às 15:00 horas, do dia 22/11/2017 (quarta-feira).